Sound Bytes: Courage, Candor and Care: 3 Simple Words To Transform Leadership

Sound Bytes: Courage, Candor and Care: 3 Simple Words To Transform Leadership

Sound Bytes welcomes Jill Katz, HR Influencer and CHRO at Assemble HR Consulting to discuss 3 words that she has proven to help lead not just during chaotic times, but every day.

About Sounding Board

Whether it’s employee churn, recruitment, attrition, retention or just promoting people without leadership experience to leadership positions because of fast growth, these issues can impact the bottom line. Because everyone needs a Sounding Board, our platform scales from individuals new to leadership positions, employee on-boarding, and the development of leadership and strategic skills from mid-level up to the C-level executives.

Our leadership development philosophy, based on adult learning theory, neuropsychology research and 25 years of frontline leadership development, focuses on shifting thinking, mindsets and belief systems to reveal a wealth of new leadership and managerial behaviors. The coaching process of changing thinking and perspectives creates long-lasting behavioral leadership changes that don’t degrade under stress or pressure. Sounding Board enables each individual to develop the foundation for impactful growth and lasting success.

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