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Solutions for Leadership Gaps

Develop Leaders Where You Need Them Most

Bridge the specific leadership gaps your company faces. Sounding Board allows you to target your needs and develop leaders based on level, function, or initiative.

Bridge the Leadership Gap

Discover how Sounding Board’s Leader Development Platform can help your business bridge leadership gaps at all levels.
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From new manager gaps to a strong leadership pipeline

Ensure your business has the leadership it needs for years to come. Create a pipeline of talent by elevating high-performing employees through leadership coaching.
Prepare new and lower-level managers for the unique challenges they’ll face in the transition from individual contributor to leader. Give new managers the support they need, while allowing them to develop their own leadership style. And, give individual contributors the opportunity to develop a leadership mindset before they step into formal leadership roles.

From DEI gaps to a culture of equity and representation

Leverage and expand upon the talents of those in your organization who are from identity groups not typically found or seen in higher levels of leadership.
Create opportunities to propel themselves into higher levels of impact and influence. Go beyond mission statements and develop leaders from traditionally underrepresented groups from within your organization. Give women, people of color, and employees from other marginalized identity groups support and developmental opportunities to leverage their talents and leadership with a seat — and a voice — at the table.
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From leadership gaps in departments to strong leadership across the board

Ensure every department has the leadership it needs to support your company’s success.

Develop leaders by function, including technology, business development, sales, and more. Improve corporate communication, increase employee morale, and strengthen cross-department decision-making — leading to a ripple effect that drives increased retention, engagement, and performance.

From capability gaps to consistently effective leaders

Develop and enhance the capabilities your leaders lack but your organization needs, such as managing change, strategic thinking, communication, and decision-making.
Reduce capability gaps at all levels and all departments, and create a tighter and more aligned culture that outperforms competitors and adapts better to strategic needs.
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Bridge the Leadership Gap

Discover how Sounding Board’s Leader Development Platform can help your business bridge leadership gaps at all levels. Request a demo today.