Christine Tao on the BearStartups Podcast

The BearStartups is a podcast hosted by Michael Assadi where he interviews highly successful UC Berkeley alumni & student entrepreneurs on their story, advice, and ultimately how they turned their dream into a reality.

On this podcast, Michael Assadi interviews our founder and CEO about starting Sounding Board. Christine graduated from CAL with an undergraduate degree from Haas and recollects her time there and the impact that going to CAL had on her career and startup journey. 

A big theme that emerges is the importance of relationships and networking in the early days of the company’s founding, and how critical that was in securing initial customers and investors. Christine also shares some of the values and principles that we hold dear at Sounding Board, including our commitment to diversity even at the earliest stages of the company’s growth. 

Listen in to learn some of Christine’s advice on what experiences impacted her career trajectory and ultimately led her to start Sounding Board. 

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