HR Executive | A lost generation of working women: How to bring them back

HR Executive | A lost generation of working women: How to bring them back

By: Phil Albinus 

Despite the inroads women have made into management positions in recent years, the majority of boards of directors are still dominated by men. Women comprise 28% of the boards of directors for S&P 500 companies and minority women make up just 10% of those seats. Since March 2020, nearly 1.8 million women have dropped out of the labor force and a survey of 1,508 women found that 69% expect to stay at home instead of returning to work. It’s an issue that Christine Tao, CEO and co-founder of Sounding Board, an AI-powered coaching and mentoring solution, will discuss during a panel titled “Improving the Women’s Leadership Pipeline” at the Women in HR Tech Summit next week at the HR Tech Conference in Las Vegas.


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